1. Double vaporizers
2. Integrated CO2 circle absorber
3.4-tubes flowmeter
4. Suitable for pediatric & adult
5.7 inch color LCD screen
6. Waveforms displayed: P-T, F-T
7. Fast release APL valve
8. AGSS optional
Technical Specification
Physical & Environmental Specification
. Dimensions (WxHxD): 839x1386x628mm
. Weight: 85kg
. Storage temperature: -20~+55
. Working temperature: +10~+40
. Storage humidity: < =93%
Electrical Specification
. Mains: 220+-22VA C, 50+-1Hz
. Power consumption: <=0.5A
Pneumatic Specification
. Gas supply: O2, N2O: 0.28-0.6Mpa
. Flowmeters: O2: 0-1L/min; 1-10L/min
N2O: 0-1L/min; 1-10L/min
. Gas supply: O2deficiency alarm
Hypoxic guard system
O2flush: 35-75L/min
. Working mode: Closed, Semi-closed, Semi-open
. Driven mode: Pneumatically driven and electronically controlled
. Operating mode: Man. / Vent.
. Safety valve: <=8.0kpa
Ventilator Specification
. Patient type: Adult, pediatric
. Ventilation modes: IPPV, Manual
. Setting: Touch key and navigator wheel knob
. Tidal volume: 0-1500ml
. Ventilation frequency: 6-60BMP
. I: E ratio: 2: 1-1: 4
. Ppeep: 0-20CMH2O
. High pressure: 20-60CMH2O
. Low pressure: 0-20CMH2O
. Monitoring Display: High quality LED
Pressure: Paw, Peak, Pplat, Pmean
Volume: Vt, MV
Breath rate
Gas: FiO2 (optional)
Graph display: P-T, F-T waveforms
. Alarm: Pressure: Paw, high/low limit
Low O2 supply pressure
Power failure
Airway pressure high
Volume: MV high/low limit
Gas: FiO2 high/low limit (optional)
. Support 2 vaporizer (Selectatec compatible)
. Agent type: Halothane, Enflurane, Isoflurane, Sevoflulrane available.