Our main product lines:
Anaesthesia machine
Transport and ICU ventilator
Infusion pump and Syringe pump
Operating table and lamp/light
Ceiling pandant
Medical solution, Hospital information and area gas system
Aeonmed is welcome your connection and communication, we believe we are the best choice for your medical Solution.
Suitable for adult and pediatric;
3 gas supply, 6-tubes flowmeter;
7'' color Ltd screen;
Wave forms displayed; P-T, F-T
Double vaporizers station;
Integrated CO2 circle absorber;
Fast-release APL valve;
AGSS optional.
-Technical Specification-
-Physical & Environmental Specification-
Dimensions(H× L× W): 1386× 839× 628mm
Weight: 86kg(including two Vaporizers)
Storage temperature: -20--+55° C
Working temperature: +10 - +40° C
Storage humidity: ≤ 93%
-Electrical Specification-
Mains: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Battery: 24V DC, minimum 120 min
Power consumption: ≤ 0.5A
Pneumatic Specification
Gas supply: O2, N2O, Air: 0.28-0.6Mpa
Flowmeters: O2: 0-1L/min; 1-10L/min
N2O: 0-1L/min; 1-10L/min
Air: 0-11L/min; 1-10L/min
Gas system: O2 deficiency alarm
Hypoxic guard system
O2flush: 25-75L/min
Working mode: Closed, Semi-closed, Semi-open
Driven mode: Pneumatically driven and electronically controlled
Safety valve: ≤ 8kpa
Operating mode: Man. /vent.
Ventilator Specification
Patient type: Adult, Pediatric
Ventilation mode: IPPV, PCV, SIPPV, SIMV, SPONT. Manual
Setting: Touch key & navigator wheel knob
Tidal Volume: 0-1600ml
Ventilation frequency: 4-100bpm
I: E ratio: 4: 1-1: 8
Ppeep: 0-20CMH2O
Inspiratory plateau: 20-80cm H2O
High pressure: 20-80 cm H2O
Low pressure: 0-20 cm H2O
Monitoring display: Display: 7" color LCD screen
Pressure: Paw, Ppeak, PEEP, Pplat, Pmean
Volume: MV, V1
Breath rate
Gas: Fi O2(Optional)
Graph display: P-T, F-T waveforms
Alarm: Pressure: Paw high/low limit
Volumes: MV high/low limit
Gas: FiO2 high/low limit(optional)
Airway pressure high
Power failure
Low O2 supply pressure
Support 2 vaporizer (Selectatec compatible)
Agent type: Halothane, Isoflurane Sevoflurane available.
Aeonmed - The Operating Expert of OR&ICU